Saturday, December 13, 2008

-+mY InTrAmuRals+-

,+during the Intramurals last December 4-7 we the payer of sepak takraw give our best goal to win the matches and usually in the game of sepak takraw the player must consist of 9 players 3 in every set to play the game to avoid default of the game in the first match we are complete player a match between the COM-BACS department and the COM-SCI the COM-BACS win the game after those game totally some of the member lost hope so that the next game they don't appear so it happened that we the BS-Computer Science lack of the player therefor we should face the consequence to play the game although we are laking of member than top default and if we defeat the other program on the first and second set of game we can proceed to the other program to play luckily the first and the second match we won temporarily but at least we did our best. . .and also thank you for the audience and the fans of our game. . .+-

And that's the story of my intramural. . . . .
-+ChOoooowwWWW. . .


John Anthony said...

wafu lagi lay-out mo sic.....
sepaktakraw diay huh!!!hawda!!

kerkol said...

pa english2 pa hehe!slmat sa comment ^ ^